About the Journal
Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives (JGRMA)
An International Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal
ISSN: 2320-5822
JGRMA is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing research in mathematics and its applications. Published monthly, JGRMA provides a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals to share innovative ideas and significant findings in mathematical sciences.
JGRMA is indexed in Google Scholar and OAlib, ensuring wide visibility and accessibility for published research.
Scope and Topics
- Mathematical Computing & AI: Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Machine Learning
- Theoretical Mathematics: Algebra, Model Theory, Functional Analysis, Operator Theory
- Mathematical Analysis: Real & Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis
- Applied Mathematics: Dynamical Systems, Partial Differential Equations, Control & Optimization
- Probability & Statistics: Statistical Modeling, Survival Analysis, Probability Theory
- Mathematical Physics: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Galois Theory, Coding Theory
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that contribute to the advancement of mathematical sciences.
Email: editorjgrma@gmail.com | editor@jgrma.com
Online Submission: Visit JGRMA Website