Period Doubling Bifurcation and Feigenbaum Universality in RÖssler system

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Hemanta Kr. Sarmah


In this paper we have studied the period doubling behaviour in the Rössler system which leadsthe system to chaos. We have found outthe period doubling bifurcation points numerically and have established the Feigenbaum delta which is the universal constant established by M.J. Feigenbaum. The tools employed in our investigation arePoincare map, phase portrait, time-series plot,bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov exponents.

Keywords:Period-doubling, chaos, Feigenbaum-delta, Poincare map, Floquet Multiplier.


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How to Cite
Sarmah, H. K. (2014). Period Doubling Bifurcation and Feigenbaum Universality in RÖssler system. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 1(9). Retrieved from
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