Normality criteria of meromorphic functions for dierential monomial sharing a holomorphic function

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Cheng-Xiong Sun


Itis mainly proved: let k be a positive integer, and m be an even
number. Suppose that a(z)(6 0) is a holomorphic function with zeros of mul-tiplicity m in a domain D. Let F be a family of meromorphic functions in a domain D such that each f 2 F have zeros of multiplicity at least k + 1 + m and poles of multiplicity at least m + 1. For each pair (f; g) 2 F, if ff(k) and gg(k) share a(z) IM, then F is normal in D.

Key words: Meromorphic functions; Holomorphic functions; Normal family;Sharing holomorphic function.


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How to Cite
Sun, C.-X. (2014). Normality criteria of meromorphic functions for dierential monomial sharing a holomorphic function. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 1(10), 18–27. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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