Weak $L^p [0,1] \backslash L^p [0,1]$ is lineable

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Ali Farokhinia
Mohammad Javad Mohammad Ali Nassab


Weak $L^p$ spaces are function spaces that are closed to $L^p$ spaces, but somehow larger. The question that we are going to partially answer in this paper, is that how much it is larger. Actually we prove that $Weak~L^p [0,1] \backslash L^p [0,1] \cup \{0\}$ contains an infinite dimensional vector space.


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How to Cite
Farokhinia, A., & Mohammad Ali Nassab, M. J. (2014). Weak $L^p [0,1] \backslash L^p [0,1]$ is lineable. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 2(2), 37–43. Retrieved from https://jgrma.com/index.php/jgrma/article/view/153
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