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Chandaneswar Midya


Abstract : In this work, the effect of radiation on heat transfer of an electrically conducting fluid flow over a linearly shrinking surface subject to heat sink and magnetic field applied normal to the plane of the flow is investigated analytically. The governing boundary layer equations for fluid flow and energy are reduced into ordinary differential equations by means of a similarity transformations. Closed form exact solutions of the reduced energy equation have been obtained for both prescribed power-law surface temperature (PST)and  power-law wall heat flux (PHF) boundary conditions and these solutions are valid for all M > 1, where M is the  magnetic interaction parameter.  It is found that the temperature within the fluid is reduced significantly with the increasing values of radiation parameter, Prandtl number, heat sink and magnetic field parameters for both PST and PHF cases. Some solutions involving negative temperature values are also noticed. In some cases, temperature overshoot near the wall is also observed.


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How to Cite
Midya, C. (2013). HEAT TRANSFER IN MHD BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW OVER A SHRINKING SHEET WITH RADIATION AND HEAT SINK. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 1(2), 63–70. Retrieved from https://jgrma.com/index.php/jgrma/article/view/18
Research Paper
Author Biography

Chandaneswar Midya, Ghatal R S Mahavidyalaya

Department of Mathematics


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