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Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. G is said to be a mean cordial graph if  f : V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for each edge uv the induced map f* defined by f*(uv) =  where  denote the least integer which is ≤ x and |ef (0) - ef(1)| ≤ 1 where ef(0) is no.of edges with zero label. ef(1) is no.of edges with one label.
The graph that admits a mean cordial labeling is called a mean cordial graph(MCG).In this paper , we proved that PnʘK1, (Pn+K1) , Pn × Pn,(Pn :C3) ,(Pn: S1) , Pn ×P2 ,Pn +2K1
Z-(Pn) are mean cordial graphs. Â Â Â Â
Keywords : Mean cordial labeling, Mean cordial graph.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 05C78.
Article Details
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