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G. Vidyasagar


This paper deals with the combined effect of thermal diffusion and heat absorption on the MHD free convection heat and mass transfer flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past a continuously moving infinite plate. Closed form of solution for the velocity, temperature and concentration field are obtained and discussed graphically for various values of the physical parameters present. In addition, expressions for the skin friction is also derived and finally discussed with the help of table and graphs.

Keywords: Free convection, Heat and Mass transfer, Heat Sink, Thermal radiation, Magnetic Field.


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How to Cite
Vidyasagar, G. (2013). THERMAL DIFFUSION EFFECT ON MHD FREE CONVECTION HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER FLOW PAST A UNIFORMLY VERTICAL PLATE WITH HEAT SINK. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 1(2), 41–48. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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