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Gabriel Obed Fosu
Francis Tarbi Oduro


In transportation modelling, there is the need to track the positions of vehicles on a road segment over a time
period. As an exertion to estimate the characteristic profles of these vehicles, the LWR model coupled with six diferent
single-regime speed-density models are solved analytical to explain these features. These characteristic curves show the
density profles in the space-time plane. The Greenshields model, Underwood model, Pipes model, Drake model and
MacNicholas model exhibited similar rarefaction wave. The Newell’s speed-density model had an unparalleled density
profle relative to the other models.


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Fosu, G. O., & Oduro, F. T. (2017). ON THE CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SINGLE-REGIME TRAFFIC MODELS. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 4(7), 01–08. Retrieved from https://jgrma.com/index.php/jgrma/article/view/308
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