Studies on imprecise Economic Order Quantity model using interval parameter

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In this paper, we introduce an imprecise economic order quantity (EOQ) model with demand, holding cost and set up cost are assumed as an interval number. We consider the parameters of the proposed model with imprecise data as form of interval number. The proposed EOQ model is presented with impreciseness of parameters by introducing parametric functional form of interval number and then solves the problem by geometric programming technique. Numerical example is presented to support of the proposed approach.


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DAS, A. K. (2017). Studies on imprecise Economic Order Quantity model using interval parameter. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 4(8), 16–21. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biography

ASIM KUMAR DAS, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology(IIEST)

Asim Kumar Das,Graduated in Mathematics from University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India (2005), Master in Applied Mathematics from university of Calcutta, Calcutta, India (2007). He is currently a research scholar of   Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) under the guidance of Prof. Tapan Kumar Roy. He is interested in the field of several application of fractional calculus in operation research model and fuzzy mathematics and uncertainty.


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