Computer-Assisted Solution of The DBF Equation Using the HCM for Flow through a Rectangular Porous Channel Bounded by Differentially Heated Horizontal Plate’s Demonstration Using Mayavi

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Dr. Ashoka S. B.


The system of non-linear algebraic equations arising from the application of the central difference approximation to the fully developed Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer flow equation is solved using the continuation method based on the Runge-Kutta45 order method. The fully-developed non-linear flow through a rectangular channel is considered and the influence of the Brinkman, Reynolds and Darcy numbers, the step size and variable viscosity parameter on the numerical results is investigated.

Keywords: Brinkman,  Reynolds , Darcy , Forchheimer, Runge-Kutta45,  Mayavi


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S. B., D. A. (2017). Computer-Assisted Solution of The DBF Equation Using the HCM for Flow through a Rectangular Porous Channel Bounded by Differentially Heated Horizontal Plate’s Demonstration Using Mayavi. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 4(10), 67–75. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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