One Modulo Three Harmonic Mean Labeling of some cycle-related graphs
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Let G=(V,E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges.
A function f :V(G)→{1,3,......,3q-2,3q} is called one modulo three harmonic mean labeling of G if f is injective and the induced function f* :E(G)→{1,4,......,3q-2} defined asÂ
f*(uv)=⌈2f(u)f(v)÷( f(u)+f(v))⌉ or ⌊2f(u)f(v)÷( f(u)+f(v))⌋ Ɐ u,v in E(G) is bijective.
A graph that admits  one modulo three harmonic meanlabeling is called one modulo three harmonic mean graph.
In this paper we proveÂ
TnʘK1, A( TnʘK1), M(Pn),  Cn+t are one modulo three harmonic mean graph.Â
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How to Cite
Shaikh, V. Y., & Deshmukh, U. (2018). One Modulo Three Harmonic Mean Labeling of some cycle-related graphs. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 5(12), 01–10. Retrieved from
Research Paper