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Enrico Limbo Enriquez
Grace M. Estrada
Carmelita M. Loquias


Let be a connected simple graph. A weakly convex dominating set  of is a weakly convex doubly connected dominating set if  is a doubly connected dominating set of The weakly convex doubly connected domination number of  denoted by , is the smallest cardinality of a convex doubly connected dominating set  of . In this paper, we show that for each set of integers and  with the integers  and  are realizable as weakly convex doubly connected domination number, convex doubly connected domination number, and order of , respectively. Further, we give the characterization of the weakly convex doubly connected dominating set with weakly convex doubly connected domination numbers of 1 and 2. Finally, we characterize the weakly convex doubly connected dominating sets of the join and corona of two graphs.


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How to Cite
Enriquez, E. L., Estrada, G. M., & Loquias, C. M. (2018). WEAKLY CONVEX DOUBLY CONNECTED DOMINATION IN THE JOIN AND CORONA OF GRAPHS. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 5(6), 01–06. Retrieved from https://jgrma.com/index.php/jgrma/article/view/476
Research Paper
Author Biographies

Enrico Limbo Enriquez, University of San Carlos

Associate Professor

Mathematics Department

University of San Carlos


Grace M. Estrada, University of San Carlos

Assistant Professor

Mathematics Department

University of San Carlos


Carmelita M. Loquias, University of San Carlos

Assistant Professor

Mathematics Department

University of San Carlos



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