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Richa Tripathi


The concept of regular fuzzy closure spaces was introduced by R. Navalakhe.  Here we have introduced and studied the concept of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces. The concept of generalized regular fuzzy biclosure spaces was earlier introduced by U.D Tapi and R. Navalakhe. Here we defined the concept of regular fuzzy biclosure space. We have compared our definition of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces with the other existing definitions. Our definition of regular fuzzy biclosure space satisfies basic desirable properties. We define sum product and subspace of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces. Some of these properties are continuous image of regular biclosure spaces are regular, closed subspace of regular space is regular. Product of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces is regular fuzzy biclosure space. It is also satisfy good extension properties. Some more relevant results related to regular biclosure space are also obtained.

Key words-fuzzy biclosure spaces, fuzzy closure spaces, generalized regular fuzzy biclosure spaces, good extension property, product of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces, regular fuzzy biclosure spaces, subspace and sum of regular fuzzy biclosure spaces.AMS Subject classification: - 54A40


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Tripathi, R. (2018). REGULAR FUZZY BICLOSURE SPACES. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 5(6), 47–52. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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