Movable Independent Dominating Sets in Paths and Cycles

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Renario G. Hinampas


A nonempty set S ⊆ V (G) is a 1-movable independent dominating set of G if S is an independent dominating set of G and for every v ∈ S,there exists a vertex u ∈ (V (G)\S)∩NG(v) such that (S\{v})∪{u} is an independent dominating set of G.The 1-movable independent domination number of G denoted by γmi 1 (G) is the smallest cardinality of a 1-movable independent dominating of G. This paper characterizes 1-movable independent dominating sets in a path Pn and a cycle Cn.


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How to Cite
Hinampas, R. G. (2018). Movable Independent Dominating Sets in Paths and Cycles. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 5(7), 96–101. Retrieved from
Research Paper