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Enrico Limbo Enriquez
Valerie Verallo Fernandez
Jovita N. Ravina


Let G  be a simple graph. A set  S of vertices of a graph G is an outer-clique dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to some vertex in S and the subgraph induced by V(G)\S is clique. In this paper, we give the characterization of the outer-clique dominating sets resulting from the corona and Cartesian product of two graphs and give their corresponding outer-clique domination number.


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How to Cite
Enriquez, E. L., Fernandez, V. V., & Ravina, J. N. (2018). OUTER-CLIQUE DOMINATION IN THE CORONA AND CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF GRAPHS. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 5(8), 01–07. Retrieved from https://jgrma.com/index.php/jgrma/article/view/501
Research Paper
Author Biographies

Enrico Limbo Enriquez, University of San Carlos

Associate Professor

Mathematics Department

School of Arts and Sciences

University of San Carlos


Valerie Verallo Fernandez, University of San Carlos

Full Instructor

Mathematics Department

School of Arts and Sciences

University of San Carlos


Jovita N. Ravina, University of San CarlosP

Full Instructor

Mathematics Department

School of Arts and Sciences

University of San Carlos



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