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Dilip Sambhajirao Palimkar
Rajkumar N. Ingle


 We  prove the existence of random solution for the third order initial value problem of  non-convex random  differential  inclusion  through  random fixed  point theory. 


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How to Cite
Palimkar, D. S., & Ingle, R. N. (2014). THIRD ORDER NON-CONVEX RANDOM DIFFERENTIAL INCLUSION. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 1(9), 15–22. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biographies

Dilip Sambhajirao Palimkar, Vasantrao Naik College,Nanded.


Department of Mathematics,

Vasantrao Naik College,Nanded[MS].

PIN-431603 INDIA

Rajkumar N. Ingle, B.S.College,Basmatnagar


Department of Mathematics,





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