Inverse Closed Domination on the Unitary Cayley Graphs

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Edward Manseras Kiunisala
Cristopher Salvaor Rosero


Let  be a ï¬nite group and e be its identity. Let S be a generating set of G such that and for all . Then the Cayley Graph is deï¬ned by , where  and  denoted by . The Unitary Cayley Graph, is deï¬ned by the additive group of the ring  of integers modulo n and the multiplicative group of  of its units. If we represent the elements ofby the integers, then it is known that . So has a vertex set  and the edge set

 In this paper, the domination in graph is extended to a Unitary Cayley graphs, in particular the inverse closed domination on the Unitary Cayley Graphs.


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How to Cite
Kiunisala, E. M., & Rosero, C. S. (2019). Inverse Closed Domination on the Unitary Cayley Graphs. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 6(1), 01–06. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biographies

Edward Manseras Kiunisala, Cebu Normal University


Cristopher Salvaor Rosero, Cebu Normal University



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