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Enrico Limbo Enriquez
Bea Elaine Parrilla Fedellaga
Carmelita M. Loquias
Grace M. Estrada
Margie L. Baterna


In this paper, we initiate the study of super connected dominating set of a graph  by giving the super connected domination number of some special graphs. Further, we shows that given positive integers  and  such that  and  there exists a connected graph  with ,  and .  Finally, we characterize the super connected dominating set of the join, corona, and Cartesian product of two graphs.


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How to Cite
Enriquez, E. L., Fedellaga, B. E. P., Loquias, C. M., Estrada, G. M., & Baterna, M. L. (2019). SUPER CONNECTED DOMINATION IN GRAPHS. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 6(8), 01–07. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biography

Enrico Limbo Enriquez, University of San Carlos

Associate Professor

Mathematics Department

University of San Carlos



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