Securing Chemical Formula Using Polyalphabetic Affine Cipher

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Jonecis Adolfo Dayap
Julius Picardal Dequillo
Wilfred Rios
Annabelle Sollano


New inventions have become very common in this modern and developed society. Most of the products are based on some chemical formulas. This chemical formula helps to determine the composition of the product and every concerned individuals want this secured. With the rapid growth of information technology, and with the emergence of innovative technologies, communicating these information directly or indirectly becomes unavoidable. So secured communication of these chemical formulas is an important problem. In this paper, we construct a new algorithm in securing chemical formula by using the properties of the outer-connected dominating sets in the corona of two graphs. The proposed algorithm represents new symmetric cryptography to encrypt and decrypt chemical formula securely by converting the monoalphabetic affine cipher into a polyaphabetic cipher.


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How to Cite
Dayap, J. A., Dequillo, J. P., Rios, W., & Sollano, A. (2019). Securing Chemical Formula Using Polyalphabetic Affine Cipher. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives(JGRMA), 6(9), 06–14. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biographies

Jonecis Adolfo Dayap, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Instructor in Department of Mathematics and Sciences, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Julius Picardal Dequillo, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Instructor in Department of Mathematics and Sciences, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Wilfred Rios, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Instructor in Department of Mathematics and Sciences, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Annabelle Sollano, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Instructor in Department of Mathematics and Sciences, University of San Jose-Recoletos


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